Ectopic pregnancies are a form of pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, typically in the fallopian tubes or abdomen.

Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies cannot continue to full-term, so removal is critical to save a woman’s life and future fertility prospects.
It can be an incredibly heartbreaking experience for women and couples.

An ectopic pregnancy test via a physical exam and ultrasound imaging can confirm the condition. Ectopic pregnancies are often discovered at five to eight weeks gestation, however, some women detect signs earlier.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy may include:

  • Pelvic pain

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding

  • Tenderness in the abdomen and shoulder pain

  • Dizziness from internal bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy removal can be completed via:

Medication: For specific types of ectopic pregnancies, a single dose of medicine can stop the development of the fetus and eliminate pregnancy hormones from the body, making it easier for the fallopian tube and any other damaged organs to heal. This type of treatment will be dependent on how far along the fetus is and the location. Dr Dan will advise if this option suits your specific case. 

Ectopic Pregnancy Surgery: Ectopic pregnancy surgery uses minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques to remove either only the baby formation or both baby formation and damaged areas within the fallopian tube.

Recovering from an ectopic pregnancy can be mentally, emotionally and physically challenging. Counseling is recommended for women, couples and families to help navigate the grief many patients feel. In Australia, medical care and support networks exist to help women and couples move forward after this challenging experience.

As a leading expert in removing ectopic pregnancies and early complex pregnancy counseling, Dr Dan combines technological advances with deep compassion for his patient’s physical and emotional needs.

Schedule a confidential consultation with Dr Dan today.