Ovarian cystectomy is a minimally invasive cyst removal procedure that can be performed laparoscopically.

The ovarian cystectomy procedure is generally outpatient, meaning a patient can enter and exit the treatment rooms in a day.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the outer surface of a woman’s ovaries. These small growths are very common and typically cause no symptoms, but some women may experience pelvic pain or pressure when larger cysts form inside the ovaries.

Ovarian cysts may occur due to underlying conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pelvic tuberculosis, ovarian tumours, hormonal changes, or a ruptured follicle. Ovarian cysts can also arise from direct trauma to the ovaries caused by abdominal surgery or injury. Diagnosing ovarian cysts can be done through an ultrasound while also determining the size and type of cyst. Depending on their characteristics, various treatment options exist, including Ovarian Cystectomy.

The surgery method depends on factors such as size and type of cyst, symptoms experienced, patient age, and medical history. Ovarian cyst removal surgery can reduce or prevent pelvic pain associated with ovarian cysts and help manage hormone levels in cases related to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

With years of experience in cystectomy ovarian surgery, Dr Dan combines cutting-edge medical technology with compassionate care. He’s committed to helping patients make informed decisions about their treatment so they can feel confident every step of the way.

Schedule a confidential consultation with Dr Dan today.