Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and other reproductive organs.
PID is caused by bacteria that spread from the vagina to surrounding tissues and organs. Some common pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms include heavy vaginal discharge, irregular periods, pain in the lower abdomen, painful intercourse, fever or chills. PID can lead to issues such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pain and more; therefore prompt treatment is critical.
Some of the most common pelvic inflammatory disease causes include multiple sexual partners, certain types of birth control, prior pelvic infection, pelvic exams, and pelvic surgery. People are also at higher risk if they have a sexually transmitted infection such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea since these two can directly cause PID. People with weakened immune systems might also be more prone to contracting this disease.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can often be difficult to diagnose due to the highly varied symptoms. A pelvic exam is conducted to look for signs of inflammation, enlargement, or tenderness of the reproductive organs. Ultrasound imaging and laparoscopy are also commonly used to look inside the pelvic region and weigh out any physical evidence of PID.
Urine tests can also be used to check for bacteria, blood tests for some types of infections, and a cervical swab to check for STD’s. An individual’s medical history can also help provide further clues as to what is causing the infection.
Depending on the severity of the inflammation, PID treatment can include antibiotics, pelvic rest, increased hydration, and pelvic physical therapy to ease symptoms and discomfort.
With years of experience helping women with pelvic inflammatory disease, Dr Dan combines cutting-edge medical technology with compassionate care. He’s committed to assisting patients to make informed decisions about their treatment so they can feel confident every step of the way.
Schedule a confidential consultation with Dr Dan today.